
Chinachemnet   |      |   Heze Fuda Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Gold Suppliers > Heze Fuda Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
  • Region :China/Shandong
  • Tel : +86-530-6282588
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  • Email :sales@fudabio.com
  • URL :www.fudabio.com

more>>About Us

Located in the Chemical park of Juancheng County in Heze city, Heze Fuda Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a technological innovative enterprise integrating research and development, production and sales. At present, our company is committed to the research, development and production of pharmaceutical intermediates, pesticide intermediates and high-end fine chemicals. Covering an area of 100,000 square meters, our company invests CNY 420 million to build 9 standardized plants, office buildings, R & D buildings, quality inspection center, storage plants a...

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