
Chinachemnet   |      |   Hubei Cheezheng Energy Development Co.,Ltd.
Gold Suppliers > Hubei Cheezheng Energy Development Co.,Ltd.
  • Region :China/Hubei
  • Tel : +86-717-6217753
  • Fax : +86-717-6217765
  • Email :salesdept@cheezhenggroup.com
  • URL :www.jamochem.com

more>>About Us

Established in January 2000, Hubei Cheezheng Energy Development Co.,Ltd. is headquartered in Yichang, Hubei Province, where Three Gorges Dam is located, enjoying advantageous geographical location, convenient transportation, good economic development atmosphere. The company is a comprehensive enterprise based on production, combining with the Internet of things platform to build global supply chain services. Main businesses include (phosphoric acid, dihydrogen disodium pyrophosphate, dimethyl sulfoxide, sodium sulfate (yuanmingfen) and sodium carbonate (m...

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