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Gold Suppliers > Hebei Zeshuo Biotechnology Co.,Ltd
  • Region :China/Hebei
  • Tel : 0311-81662666
  • Fax : 0311-81662665
  • Email :export@zeshuobiotec.com
  • URL :www.zeshuobiotec.com

more>>About Us

Founded in 2000, Hebei Zeshuo Biotechnology Co., Ltd(formely known as North China Pharmaceutical Group Bei’an Co.,Ltd.). is a leading manufacturer in the development and production of pharmaceutical intermediates. Our manufacturing base located in Xinhe County, Xingtai City, China, the company covers area of 200,000 square meters and has about 500 employees, and the sales division is in Shijiazhuang City, the capital of Hebei province.Over the last 15 years, we have been specializing in manufacturing and worldwide selling of pharmaceutical intermediates ...

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