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Gold Suppliers > Qi-Chem Co., Ltd.
  • Region :China/Liaoning
  • Tel : +86-0411-88165951 13601035838
  • Fax : +86-0411-87406949
  • Email :marketing@qi-chem.com
  • URL :www.qi-chem.com

more>>About Us

Qi-Chem is a rapidly growing full service custom synthesis and toll manufacturer of pharmaceutical and agricultural intermediates, and other specialty chemical products. Qi-Chem has been providing fast track development and customized services to many multinational companies of all sizes. Qi-Chem is headquartered in Dalian. Our new R&D laboratory is located in Dalian DD Port. We are staffed by highly qualified professionals, Ph D chemists with over 20 years of experience, in process research development, scale-up synthesis and plant operation to pr...

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