
Chinachemnet   |      |   JiangXi Benniu Pharmaceutical Co.,LTD
Gold Suppliers > JiangXi Benniu Pharmaceutical Co.,LTD
  • Region :China/Jiangxi
  • Tel : 86-795-2901650;2901920;013755872733;013958510044;018616227801
  • Fax : 86-795-2901750
  • Email :export@benniuchem.com
  • URL :www.benniuchem.com

more>>About Us

The JiangXi Benniu medicine chemical engineering limited company locates the river the west province proper and plentiful county LiangGang industry park, the communication, transportation is very convenient, and the company environment is beautiful, having the green fountain, rockery, sheepskin to turn the street lamp, standard factory premises.Invested by businessmen from Zhejiang province, JiangXi Benniu medicine chemical engineering limited company is a hi-tech chemical enterprise specializing in the manufacturing of fine chemicals. Now the busi...

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