
Chinachemnet   |      |   Hesheng Technical&Trading Co. ,Ltd.
Gold Suppliers > Hesheng Technical&Trading Co. ,Ltd.
  • Region :China/Hebei
  • Tel : +0086-311-85617316 85617616
  • Fax : +0086-311-85617316
  • Email :hesheng@china-hesheng.com
  • URL :www.china-hesheng.com

more>>About Us

Hesheng is a company covering the processes of R&D, pilot production, and mass production. Our major field is fine chemicals, especially medical intermediate products. With experts of long term experience on organic synthesis and analysis and senior engineers skilled on the production process and facilities of fine chemical fields, we have strong R&D ability. On the other hand we invest a lot on various testing devices, analysis instruments, and have built up pilot base and mass production plant in Hebei province. We are willing to take our advantage on t...

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