
Chinachemnet   |      |   Changzhou Jintan Hengxin Institute of Chemistry (Leping Yongxin Chemical Co., Ltd.)
Gold Suppliers > Changzhou Jintan Hengxin Institute of Chemistry (Leping Yongxin Chemical Co., Ltd.)
  • Region :China/Jiangsu
  • Tel : +86-519-82723328,82882018,82726662,82723338
  • Fax :
  • Email :hzp@hengxinchem.cn;508907408@qq.com
  • URL :www.hengxinchem.cn

more>>About Us

Located in Jintan city -- a city with a beautiful scene, as well as located in in the Suzhou C Wuxi C Changzhou Hi-tech Developing Zone, Changzhou Jintan Hengxin Institute of Chemistry (Leping Yongxin Chemical Co., Ltd.) is not far from Shanghai Pudong Developing Zone and takes the advantage of developed communication, convenient transportation, flourishing market and culture of the zone. We have the ability to research, produce and trade internationally. With a group of first class scientific & technical personnel, advanced analysis equipm...

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