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Gold Suppliers > N-Techem International Co.Ltd.
  • Region :China/Zhejiang
  • Tel : +852) 3483 7684
  • Fax : +852) 3618 4613
  • Email :sales@n-techem.com
  • URL :www.n-techem.com.hk

more>>About Us

We, N-Techem International Co., Ltd., have been steadily growing up in the field of pharmaceutical and organic chemical synthesis and fermentation. We have been actively researching and developing the high level of synthesis and fermentation technologies of pharmaceutical and organic chemical bulk substances (especially, cephalosporin finished bulk substances and their key intermediates), then we have been producing those bulk substances mainly at our Linhai plant of "Zhejiang Dongbang Chemical Co., Ltd" established as a principal joint venture company be...

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