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Gold Suppliers > Hunan Yuxin Pharmaceutical Co., ltd
  • Region :China/Hunan
  • Tel : 86-731-82762659
  • Fax : 86-731-85551702
  • Email :sales@steroidchem.com
  • URL :www.steroidchem.com

more>>About Us

Hunan Yuxin Pharmaceutical Co., ltd Was early originated in 1993, located in Shaoyang city, Hunan province. P.R.China. Now It has been expanded to an employs of over 200 workers and staffs of which 30% are chemists.  Hunan Yuxin Pharmaceutical Co., ltd strictly follows the GMP regulations to catch up with the international standards step by step both in the fields of Production and management. Hunan Yuxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. manufactures and markets steroid and hormone pharmaceutical raw materials(APIs) and their intermediates for the pharmaceu...

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