
Chinachemnet   |      |   Shanghai Host Chemicals Co.,Ltd.
Gold Suppliers > Shanghai Host Chemicals Co.,Ltd.
  • Region :China/Shanghai
  • Tel : +86-21-65169883,13818833888,13701913376 Mr.Zhou
  • Fax : +86-21-63400321 65170515
  • Email :sales@hostchem.com
  • URL :www.hostchem.com

more>>About Us

Host Company Ltd.is a HongKong based investment, manufacturing and logistics services company. Its presence in Mainland China including five manufacturing enterprises located in Shanghai, China. They were formed either as wholly owned subsidiaries or as joint ventures with major local manufacturers. These five enterprises primarily engage in the manufacturing of fine chemicals, motors and generators, electronics and telecommunication components. Most of the facilities with ISO9001 or ISO9002 certifications, some even become dedicated supplier for major U.S.an...

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