
Chinachemnet   |      |   Guangxi Jinmao Titanium Co., Ltd. (formerly Guangxi Tengxian Jinmao Titanium Dioxide Co., Ltd.)
Gold Suppliers > Guangxi Jinmao Titanium Co., Ltd. (formerly Guangxi Tengxian Jinmao Titanium Dioxide Co., Ltd.)
  • Region :China/Guangxi
  • Tel : 86-774-7290580 7290582 7290558 7301933
  • Fax : 86-774-7290558
  • Email :sales@jinmao-ti.com
  • URL :www.jinmao-ti.com

more>>About Us

JINMAO TITANIUM DIOXIDE CO., LTD. is a Sino-foreign contractual joint venture located in Jinmao Industrial Zone in Tengcheng Town in Teng County, which is titled as "Hometown of Titanium Dioxide". It is near Teng-Rong Class II Highway, only 2km away from Nanning-Wuzhou Class II Highway and one hour's drive by car from Wuzhou Airport, so enjoys advantaged transportation convenience. Our company has more than 30 year's history on titanium dioxide production. Now there are more than 460 employees in our company, including 80 engineers or other profes...

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