
Chinachemnet   |      |   Hangzhou Zanyu Oleo-technology co.,ltd
Gold Suppliers > Hangzhou Zanyu Oleo-technology co.,ltd
  • Region :China/Zhejiang
  • Tel : (+86)0571-88292150;(+86)18005888831
  • Fax : (+86)0571-89969731
  • Email :export@hofcc.com
  • URL :www.hofcc.com

more>>About Us

Hangzhou Zanyu Oleo-Technology Co.,Ltd is one of the leading companies in oil & fat industry in China and a drafter of industrial standards of several products. We mainly produce Food additives, Pharmaceutical adjuvants and Rubber & Plastic auxiliaries, etc. Our products are well sold all over the world including GMS, stearic acid, palmitic acid, glycerin, oleic acid, OPO and so on. Some of them are exported to Southeast Asia, South Asia, Middle East, Japan and EU, etc. Customers are highly satisfied with our products. We have the ability to...

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