
Chinachemnet   ;|      |   Hangzhou Xinanjiang Industrial Pump Co., Ltd.
Gold Suppliers > Hangzhou Xinanjiang Industrial Pump Co., Ltd.
  • Region :China/Zhejiang
  • Tel : +86-571-64701690 64701691 64701035
  • Fax : +86-571-64702999
  • Email :sales@xajpump.com
  • URL :www.xajpump.cn

more>>About Us

Our Company is specialized in designing, manufacturing and trading anti-corrosive (including fluoroplastic) devices such as centrifugal pumps, vacuum pumps, valves, pipe fitting, and chemical environmental protection treatment (sets). We keep research, develop and modify product technology to improve the price performance of our products. Now we have many products made through self-independent patent technology, so our factory is taking the lead in the trade on both technology and products. For continuous introduction of advanced production and testing de...

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