
Chinachemnet   |      |   Tea Seed Flake Manufacturers, China Tea Seed Flake Suppliers, China Tea Seed Flake Exporters
  • Region :Agrochemicals
  • Tel : +86-571-88480543
  • Fax : +86-571-88366510
  • Email :market@choisuntea.com
  • URL :www.chinateasaponin.com

Details for China Tea Seed Flake

Tea Seed Flake 156-62-7

Category :


Tea Seed Flake
EC NO : 205-861-8
MF : CH2CaN2
MW : 82.1169
Specification : saponin.15%
Packing : 10kg/pp woven bag, 20kg/pp woven bag, 25kg/pp woven bag, 50kg/pp woven bag,
Product description :
Tea seed meal series is a kind of residue of camellia seeds after extraction oil. They are organic fertilizer which has varieties of applications especially in agriculture areas. We employ technologists to make different kinds of tea seed meal. It is included tea seed powder, tea seed pellet, tea seed meal with straw, tea seed meal without straw and tea seed flake. They have the same usage in application but different appearance and specification.
The application area:
1. Appearance: brown flake
2. Tea saponin≥12.0%
3. Moisture≤10.0%
4. Remnant Oil≤5.0%
5. Packing: packed in PP woven bags, 10kgs/bag, 25kgs/bag, 50kgs/bag,
6. Shelf life: 10 months if stored in cool and dry place
Usage & Dosage
1. Extensively used in rice field to kill apple snail, golden apple snail, Amazonian snail(pomacea canaliculata spix).
2. Extensively usd in shrimp farming to eliminate predatory fishes in the fish and shrimp ponds. Help shrimps take off shell earlier and enhance the growth of shrimps.Detoxify quickly in water and are not injurious to cattle and people who may use the water. Leave no cumulative adverse residues, and it is readily available, economical to use.
3. Used to kill snail and earthworm in vegetable field, in flower field and golf court.
Uses : kill snail, slug, etc
Synonyms : calcium carbimide;nitrolime;(cyanoimino)calcium;cyanamide, calcium salt (1:1);
Molecular Structure :
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