
Chinachemnet   |      |   Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer Manufacturers, China Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer Suppliers, China Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer Exporters
  • Region :Adhesives and Sealants/Silicone Sealants
  • Tel : +86-0571-64537063
  • Fax : +86-0571-64537093
  • Email :sales@silibasesilicone.com
  • URL :www.silibasesilicone.com

Details for China Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer

Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer

Category :

Adhesives and Sealants/Silicone Sealants

Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer
MF :
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Product description : Product Name: Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer Item No.: Silibase-2806 Product Description: Silibase-2806 Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer is a kind of polymer compounds, can reduce the evaporation of droplets, reduce drift, increase the settlement of liquid, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, foliar fertilizer and so have significant synergies. Product Features of Silibase-2806 Spreader Sticker Spray Enhancer: ● Adjust the uniform distribution of droplets, reduce droplet drift, improve pesticide utilization. ● Improve the droplets in the plant leaves and insect body surface coverage, and difficult to fall off. ● Speed up the pest layer of the dissolution of the page to promote the liquid in the body conduction. ● Prolonging the drying time of the mist and enhancing the sustained absorption of the target liquid. ● Safe, non-toxic, environmentally friendly. Instructions: ● That is, with the use, plus Lannon spray additives to be used the same day. ● Acres spray liquid amount of 800-1000ml, the proposed standard acres of dosage. ● 10-12ml, acres spray liquid amount of 600-800ml, the proposed standard acres of dosage 12-15ml. Precautions: ● When the temperature is higher than 35℃, is not recommended. ● Store in a cool, well-ventilated area, and keep away from children and fire. ● Accidentally splashed on the skin and eyes, immediately rinse with plenty of water, if any adverse symptoms, please seek medical attention immediately. Packaging and Storage 25 kg / 200 kg plastic bucket, stored in a cool, ventilated, dry place, shelf life of 2 years, according to non-hazardous chemicals transport.
Synonyms : no data
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