
Chinachemnet   |      |   Allyl Chloroformate Manufacturers, China Allyl Chloroformate Suppliers, China Allyl Chloroformate Exporters
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  • URL :www.amberchem.cn

Details for China Allyl Chloroformate

Allyl Chloroformate 2937-50-0

Category :


Allyl Chloroformate
EC NO : 220-916-6
MF : C9H12FN3O5
MW : 261.2071
Specification : ≥98%
Packing : 20kg(20L);200kg(200L) plastic drum
Product description :

Description: Colorless liquid with pungent odor. Boiling point :74℃(720mmHg); Flash point 31.1℃, relative density :1.136g/cm3, soluble in benzene, ether, insoluble in water.

Transportation requirements: Store in a cool, ventilated place away from fire. Protect against moisture.

UN NO: 1722

Danger category: 6.1

Packing category: Class I

Uses : Intermediates for pesticides and pharmaceuticals. For the synthesis of benzothiazole derivatives (1-(allyl carboxy)-1H benzotriazole) with effective anti-tumor properties. It is the main raw material for the production of (2-allyloxy) carbonyl] -L-lysine,
Synonyms : allyl chlorocarbonate;ALLYL CHLOROFORMATE (ACF); Carbonochloridic acid, 2-propenyl ester;Alloc-Cl allyloxycarbonylchloride;prop-2-en-1-yl carbonochloridate;4-amino-1-(beta-D-arabinofuranosyl)-5-fluoropyrimidin-2(1H)-one;
Molecular Structure :
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