
Chinachemnet   |      |   4-Sulpho-1,8-naphthalic anhydride, potassium salt Manufacturers, China 4-Sulpho-1,8-naphthalic anhydride, potassium salt Suppliers, China 4-Sulpho-1,8-naphthalic anhydride, potassium salt Exporters
Gold Suppliers > Liaoning Liangang Chemicals Co., Ltd > 4-Sulpho-1,8-naphthalic anhydride, potassium salt
  • Region :Intermediates
  • Tel : +86-419-7675988
  • Fax : +86-419-7675289
  • Email :sales@liangangchem.com
  • URL :www.liangangchem.com

Details for China 4-Sulpho-1,8-naphthalic anhydride, potassium salt

4-Sulpho-1,8-naphthalic anhydride, potassium salt 71501-16-1

Category :


4-Sulpho-1,8-naphthalic anhydride, potassium salt
EC NO : 275-547-3
MF : C12H5KO6S
MW : 316.3278
Packing : iron drum lined with plastics
Product description :

 CAS NO.:[71501-16-1]Molecular Weight: 316.3Appearance: straw yellow white uniform powderPurity:≥98%Moisture:≤2%Use: an important raw material to synthesize vat dyes and pigmentsPacking: iron drum lined with plasticsNet Weight: 25 kg/bag, 50 kg/bag

Uses : an important raw material to synthesize vat dyes and pigments
Synonyms : 4-Sulfo-1,8-naphthalic anhydride potassium salt;4-Sulpho-1,8-Naphthalic Anhydride, Potassium Salt;potassium 1,3-dioxo-1H,3H-benzo[de]isochromene-6-sulfonate;
Molecular Structure :
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